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Got questions?

Maybe these answers will help.

How does Famtastic decide which organisations to fund?

Before we decide which projects or organisations to fund, we look at a few things: Do the areas of focus and approaches match our Theory of Change? Does the initiative take a systemic approach? Is the team or are its key members a good fit with our values in terms of their mindset and approach? The foundation team makes its funding decisions in close coordination with the organisation applying for funding, and ultimately the foundation board must agree unanimously.

Are there criteria that my organisation needs to meet in order to receive funding?

Yes, there are. First and foremost, you must be a nonprofit. You must also be registered in Europe and you must advocate for a systemic change to the food system here in Europe. Furthermore, we have developed evaluation criteria that help us to understand and evaluate your project and your organisation. During the evaluation phase, we want to understand (among other things) how much work you have put into researching the problem that you want to address and how well you know your target groups. We also assess how well your approach fits within the larger field and who you work with. We also look at what position your team is in; what expertise, experience, and competencies you have; and how diverse you are. We also hope to meet the key individual(s) on your team. In terms of the organisation itself, we’re interested in how you make decisions, what your current financial situation is, and – importantly – how you measure your impact. You don’t have to apply for funding with a specific project – we’re more interested in whether or not you have a clear overall vision (that matches ours) and how you plan to achieve that vision. We will also ask you who your main stakeholders are and what you think about potential risks. Last but not least, we want to know what you’re doing to establish a stable organisation and, if applicable, which other organisations are funding your work. Our evaluation process is extensive. In general, we will not even begin this process if we do not see sufficient potential for a partnership. We want to help conserve your resources, so we try to find out and compile as much as information possible ourselves. Nevertheless, during the preparation phase for initial funding or continued funding, we will be in close communication with you and your team. At the same time, we see this as a valuable investment in getting to one know another and establishing a solid relationship in the event that we decide to go forward with funding.

How does Famtastic envision a funding partnership?

The foundation is interested in open, honest, relationship in which both parties learn new things and reflect on their experiences both jointly and individually. Our actions are guided by our values – honesty, respect, sustainability, trust and ownership. We want to be close to you; to understand what you’re working on and get to know your challenges and difficulties. In our relationships with partner organisations, we want to create an environment of trust that encourages you to speak openly about failures, mistakes and doubts. We are happy to serve as a sounding board and sparring partner, and we want to try to support our partner’s needs as they arise in a targeted manner – whether that’s capacity building, introducing them to people from our network, or looking for co-funding.

How does the funding process work?

Our top priority is establishing a relationship with our partner organisations based on trust. However, establishing trust takes time. For this reason, we generally start with a shorter initial funding period, which can then be followed by a longer period – if possible, with unallocated funds.

How does Famtastic see its role?

As a foundation, we see ourselves as more than just a sponsor. We are a critical friend that has our partner organisations back so they can take courageous steps forward. What does that mean? We make offers for networking and sparring as needed, try to foster an environment of learning, for example through workshops, and are available at all times as a sounding board. We want to form close relationships with our partner organisations so that we can keep you and your work in mind at all times – whether it’s for co-funding with other foundations or at networking events.

How can I work for the foundation?

We are not currently hiring any new employees. If this changes in the future, we will post job openings on relevant job portals, such as GoodJobs. However, you are welcome to send us a speculative application any time at

How can I work for the foundation?

We are not currently hiring any new employees. If this changes in the future, we will post job openings on relevant job portals, such as GoodJobs. However, you are welcome to send us a speculative application any time at

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